Form with Validation Generator
Generate a form with 4 textfields and 1 text area. Type the text that will appear next to each textfield (Name, Business, Phone, etc.). Type in the textfield names (Name, Business, Phone, etc.). Choose the textfields character width and maximum number of charecters. You get to choose which textfields are required, required email, reqiured number, or not required. Type in the button label (Enter, Submit, Go, etc.) Then click the "create form" button to generate the code.
Form Method
(e.g. GET, POST)
Form Action
(e.g. http://www.domain/form.asp)
Text 1
(Text next to Textfield 1)
Name of Textfield 1

Character Width Max Number of Charecters
Text 2
(Text next to Textfield 1)
Name of Textfield 2

Character Width Max Number of Charecters

Text 3
(Text next to Textfield 3)

Name of Textfield 3

Character Width Max Number of Charecters
Text 4
(Text next to Textfield 4)
Name of Textfield 4

Character Width Max Number of Charecters

Text 5
(Text next to Text Area 5)

Name of Text Area 5
(Text next to Text Area 5)

Number of Lines Character Width

Submit Button Label
(e.g. Submit, Go, Post, Enter, etc.)


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